Animal Capitalism : New Lease

I was so excited as I entered the doors of the mall. I could smell all the food left out overnight that would give people Salmonella and other such sicknesses. But I ignored that. I headed straight to Gamestop so I could spend the money I had earned over the past few weeks to get a game everyone had been telling me about, Animal Crossing : New Leaf. As I was walking to the GameStop, I had remembered how I earned the money. I had to dig holes in the ground for Russian CS:GO players who screamed "CYKA BLYAT" so loud that their voice boxes broke and their heads imploded on the screen. I got paid extra for the scammers. As soon as I reached the Gamestop, I grabbed my wallet like it was Micheal Jackson grabbing his crotch and ripped out my wallet. I asked the cashier for a copy of AC:NL, and he said that he would go and get it. There was something wrong with that man who originally helped me. I could sense something wrong with him. But, I ignored it as I forgot to take my medicine this morning. He handed me the game and I handed him the money. I exited the store thanking the man. He rubbed his hand together and said "See you next time."
Once I got home, I popped the game into my 3DS and I started making a new town. Once I got finished talking to Rover, I exited the train and was in shock of what I witnessed. Isabelle's head was Sarah Palin! And the other villagers had just been mutilated! Their face model had been replaced with Pepe the Frog and iDubbbz! I knew I should stop playing, but my thirst for "adventure" fueled me to explore more. After I had mustered through the text, I decided to go and get some fruit to sell for bells. But there was a problem. When I pressed the "A" button on my 3DS, the fruit wouldn't fall. I moved closer to the tree, and it worked.
-Continued Soon-